Stella Maris’ mission is to provide hope, transform lives, and strengthen communities through a continuum of addiction and mental health services accessible to all.

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who we are

Northeast ohio’s oldest addiction TREATMENT PROVIDER

Founded in 1948, Stella Maris is one of two stand-alone detox providers in Greater Cleveland, and the only facility where clients can move through a full continuum of care on one campus block; withdrawal management (detox), inpatient, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, recovery management, and supportive housing.

This continuum of care is augmented with wraparound services including case management, family therapy, medication assisted treatment (MAT), peer support, post-acute withdrawal management, primary medical care, psychiatry services, specialized groups for underserved populations, trauma therapy, 12- step groups, art, equine and music therapy, group therapy sessions, and workforce development programs that include one-on-one coaching, role-playing for interviews, goal setting, and culinary training. Stella Maris meets outside needs, such as GED (General Education Diploma) preparation, permanent housing, legal services, and supportive services for families through referrals to community-based partners and collaborators. 

Stella Maris’s continuum of treatment supports individuals on their path to recovery and helps them achieve results that regularly surpass industry standards on average by 30% across all levels of care. Stella Maris’s most recent outcomes show:

  • 73% detox success rate, as compared to a 32% national average

  • 82% completion rate for outpatient services, as compared to a 42% national average

  • 79% of individuals in outpatient programs moved through Stella Maris’s continuum of care, accessing and successfully completing multiple programs that   support sustained recovery 

  • 100% of individuals who complete treatment have housing following their care at Stella Maris

A Community Partner in Northeast Ohio

At Stella Maris, you are never alone in the fight against addiction. We work with many community partners: other treatment agencies, outreach programs, government agencies, health care centers, the Veterans Administration (V.A.), drug courts, five local police departments, and many Northeast Ohio social service organizations. We also collaborate with local colleges and universities through internships and fellowship programs.

Stella Maris is approved by national, state and local bodies that set standards of care.

Stella Maris has contracts with funders such as Veterans Administration, ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County, the Cuyahoga County Department of Homeless Services and Lorain County Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services. We also receive donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and other organizations.

Stella Maris is proud to have been awarded The Joint Commission’s Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Behavioral Health Care and Human Services.

*Professional facts: The U.S. government uses the poverty level to determine who may receive federal subsidies and aid. In 2018, the poverty income level for one person is $12,140.


In 1948, Stella Maris (Latin for “Star of the Sea”) opened its doors. Father Otis Winchester of the neighboring St. Malachi Church and members of a relatively new organization, Alcoholics Anonymous, recognized the need for a place to house and support homeless men through their recovery from alcohol dependency.

Originally housing 11 men who were undergoing alcoholic treatment and recovery, Stella Maris was a refuge where they received three meals a day, a prescribed course of treatment, and the camaraderie of others. The goal was to end their addiction and rebuild their lives.

Today, Stella Maris continues to identify needs and develop programs to meet them. As experts in substance abuse treatment, we offer comprehensive services to help adults move from addiction to recovery and begin to lead a substance-free life.

We treat more than 5,400 individuals per year through a connected set of programs and services that we call a “Continuum of Care.” For 76 years, Stella Maris has operated on the same city block in Cleveland’s Ohio City neighborhood.

celebrating 75 years

May 10, 1948  –  Stella Maris opened its doors 

1968 – Two buildings: a hospital, and a dormitory for 73 men.

1981 – Three buildings with a monthly operating budget of $35,000, and renovated our detoxification center to become certified for insurance payments.

1985 – Margaret B. Roche became executive director and led Stella Maris until retirement in 2012.

1989 – Began inpatient treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, including detoxification, counseling, aftercare and job referrals. Operated a halfway house for former addicts and a retail store selling refurbished items.

1999 – Completed a capital campaign and renovated our 16-bed detoxification unit.

2001 – Acquired Joint Commission accreditation, which demonstrated a high quality of service and made contracts with health insurance companies possible.

2002 – Contracted with all major health insurers in Northeast Ohio as a provider of detoxification treatment, and implemented an electronic health records system for the detoxification unit.

2005 – Completed a capital campaign and renovated our 40-bed men’s dormitory, and received the Woodruff Prize for “Outstanding Agency in the Field of Chemical Dependency Treatment”.

2006 – Completed a $2.7 million capital campaign to build the Gallagher Outpatient Center and expand chemical dependency and mental health treatment services. The Center also offered new space for 12-Step meetings, a 120-seat auditorium, and a 1,500-square-foot coffee shop where alumni and others in recovery could share their experiences with the newly sober.

2007 – Recognized for “Outstanding Work” by the ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County, and collaborated with Recovery Resources and Community Challenge in a year-long Children of Alcoholics Outreach Collaboration initiative.

2008 – Certified by Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS) and accredited by the Joint Commission, ensuring that our programs and services meet the highest standards in behavioral medicine and the needs of those served.

2012 – Installed an electronic medical records and billing system, acquired certification by OHMAS and renovated our detoxification unit.

2017 - Opened Carlyle House, recovery house for identified males.

2018 – Opened Walton House, recovery house for identified females.

2019 – Launched a capital campaign and broke ground for a new withdrawal management (detox) and Central Intake Building.

2020 - Opened Residential Housing to offer ASAM level 3.5 of care and launched an LGBTQ+ Track of service.

2021 - Opened 18-bed supportive housing unit for identified females in the old Saint Malachi Convent.

2022 - Re-opened the renovated Stella Maris Coffee Shop. This “Coffee Shop with a purpose” is open daily to the general public from 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. and provides a safe, sober environment for everyone.

2023 - Renovated and re-opened the 120-seat auditorium, which is connected to the Stella Maris Coffee Shop.

2023 - Opened The Bridge House at St. Pats, 19-bed recovery house for identified females.

2025 - Opened The Back House on 10th Street in Tremont, 10-bed recovery house for identified males.


“Stella Maris’ leadership has a combined 150 years of professional experience in addiction treatment and nonprofit management. They are responsible for carrying out the strategic initiatives and the vision set forth by the Board of Directors.


Senior Leadership Team

Daniel Lettenberger-Klein
Chief Executive Officer

Nick Costakis
Director of Facilities and Operations

Jason Daubner
Director of Recovery Housing

Lauren Hopkins
Director of Human Resources

Shaunna Jacobs Administration & Community Affairs

Carol Martin
Director of Finance

Carole Negus
Director of Nursing

Allison Pagrabs
Clinical Director

Christine Robinson
Chief Operating Officer

Chris Tomaro
Director of IT

Kelli L. Wall
Director of Development & Advancement

Shinelle Wingfield Assistant Clinical Director

legacy advisory council

Richard Bialosky, Senior Vice President, King Group at CCIM

Robert Brandon, Vice President Senior Vice President and Director, CBRE

Rick Doody, Chairman and Founder, NCR Ventures

Albert E. R. Schneider III, Co-Chairman, Charles Street Partners; Founder, Schneider & Company

Emeritus Board

Ken Lurie

Michael Gallagher

William Denihan - deceased

Board of Directors

Aaron Marks, President VP & General Manager, Blockchain and Digital Assets, Sentry Enterprises

Molly A. Drake, Esq, Vice President MasterBrand, Inc.

George Latcheran, Secretary Senior Vice President, Business Banking Market Manager, The Huntington National Bank

Oliver S. Zeltner, Treasurer Partner, Jones Day

Susan L. Gragel, Past President


Tim Armstrong, Co-founder Asenti Diligence Partners LLC

Laurie Bruder, TEG Management Corp.

Ellen Connally, Retired Judge Cleveland Municipal Court

Kevin Goodman, Managing Director, Partner BlueBridge Networks, LLC

Justin Herdman, Partner, Jones Day

Earle C. Horton, Esq. Principal Horton & Horton

Christopher S. Howse, President/CEO Howse Solutions, LLC

Annie H. Hubbard, Community Volunteer

Christopher S. Malstead, Senior Climate Technology Initiative Specialist, Wells Fargo

Theresa Manley, Vice President, Graphco

John F. O’Brien, Retired Senior Management McDonald and Company Investments

William Palmer, President Winston Products

Ryan Puente, Chief Government Affairs Officer, City of Cleveland

Patrick D. Quinn, Founder Quinn Legal Associates, Inc.

Tim Rankin, Partner, McManamon & Co.,

Susan O. Scheutzow, Of Counsel Kohrman, Jackson and Krantz

Grady L. Stevenson, Executive Director Department of Community Relations City of Cleveland

Brian M. Stovsky, Business Development Leader, Oswald Companies

Tom Wasson, President Wasson Company, Inc.

Phyllis Webb, Senior Recruiter Dise & Company

Waverly Willis, Executive Director The Urban Barber Association (TUBA)

Lulu Zhao, MD, FACOG, FASAM University Hospitals