Case Management
Case Management is offered throughout the treatment continuum and assists participants with connections to internal and external services and goals related to stabilization of housing, legal situations, medical concerns, and employment.
Family Therapy
The Family Group is broken into two parts, first the Educational Session provides information covering a variety of topics to help family members understand Substance Use Disorders as a brain disorder, how behaviors impact the family, and healthy ways for family members/concerned others to respond to their loved one’s behaviors without taking responsibility for them. To receive the greatest benefit from the program it is recommended that you attend all 10 sessions presented, along with the support group.
And second, the Support Group provides a caring environment for those seeking insight and support for making healthier choices for themselves and those they love in response to the negative impact of a loved one’s substance use disorder. Please visit to access a more detailed description of the program, or you can contact Jim Joyner to register for the groups.
Medication Assisted Treatment
Medication Assisted Treatment is offered in two forms to clients that are engaged in clinical services at Stella Maris. Extended-release naltrexone (Vivitrol) is an injectable medication that is administered by a medical professional on site every 28 days. Short-acting naltrexone is a tablet taken daily at the same time each day to ensure its effectiveness. Both medication options support a client's recovery by reducing cravings and enhancing abstinence. Individuals with opioid or alcohol use disorders can benefit from the use of naltrexone.
Peer Support
Certified Peer Recovery Supporters are individuals in long-term recovery who have completed training and testing and have been certified by the State of Ohio. At Stella Maris, participants have access to peer support to help navigate new situations in recovery.
Post-Acute Withdrawal Management
Stella Maris provides treatment and education to clients for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). During the post-acute withdrawal stage many of the physical symptoms of withdrawal begin to decrease, however, for many the psychological symptoms are exacerbated. Post-acute withdrawal can last for several months after drug and/or alcohol use has ceased. Typical symptoms of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome include labile mood, increased stress levels, insomnia, changes in appetite, and anxiety. Medication management of these symptoms allows the client to fully engage in the initial phase of treatment.
Primary Medical Care
Stella Maris provides primary medical care for all clients residing on campus, in the housing programs, and in the outpatient programs. Medical services include medication management, regular physical checkups, and management of medical co-morbidities that do not require hospitalization.
Psychiatric services are offered to clients in our Withdrawal Management Unit and Residential programs. If Stella Maris is unable to meet the mental health needs of an individual client, we ensure the client is referred to the correct professional or organization to assist them with these needs.
Specialized Groups
Stella Maris is committed to providing comprehensive Substance Use Disorder recovery services tailored to meet the diverse needs of all individuals. We offer specialized tracks designed to support clients seeking care in an environment that acknowledges and respects their experiences. These tracks are available at admission and provide access to a medical and clinical team trained in delivering culturally competent care. Additionally, a dedicated Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) group is available as part of our commitment to personalized treatment options.
Trauma Services
Trauma specific counseling services are being offered at Stella Maris, including group and individual counseling. Group services at the Detox, PHP, and Residential treatment levels include psychoeducation on a variety of topics with a trauma-focused lens. Clients needing additional support, and committed to our full continuum of care, are eligible to receive individual services and meet one on one with a trauma trained therapist weekly. Individual clients work with the therapist on a treatment plan that addresses individual needs and includes appropriate interventions such as CBT, DBT, and EMDR. Trauma therapists blend substance use recovery treatment with mental health and trauma therapy to meet the needs of each individual client as they begin their recovery.
WorkForce Development
This program introduces participants to workforce development opportunities in the Stella Maris kitchen, coffee shop and with outside partners, prepares them for the job search and interview process, connecting clients to sustainable employment in the later phases of treatment.